Magnificent Mom
After two years of watching me lose weight and keep it off, my mother made the decision about 6 months ago to inquire after surgery. so, this April, that is what will happen and my mother will undergo a sleeve gastrectomy.
I celebrate her desire to make a change in her life and I hope that she will come out of surgery successfully and lose the weight that she wants to lose. I have personally never been happier and she sees that and wants her own happiness. I am so thankful that I went through this before my mother so that I can do everything in my power to support her choice and her recovery in the way that I couldn't have if I hadn't had surgery.
I have mentioned how important a support system is from helping her to sit up in the hospital being mindful of portions. I have passed on my spreadsheets and smoothie recipes in preparation for her liquid diet.
Now it's my mom's turn to reach out and seize her joy!