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I Don't Know How She Does It.

So much has happened lately that I hardly know where to start! Since my last post, things have been going...steadily in life. I managed to free myself from indebtedness in July, I began grad school in August, and now, I have moved into a new apartment. I have been dealing with so many life-changing occurrences that I have felt every emotion that a person can three times over. My weight has remained steady, or at least I haven't realized any weight gain through my clothing as an indicator. I say that because I have not stepped on the scale in a while. I used to weigh myself compulsively, but as my trips to the gym have dwindled, so have my feelings towards obsessively weighing myself. That, and the fact that stress has curbed my appetite greatly have helped me stay at 157 or below. I just bought a bistro set for this apartment that has a weight suggestion of 150 or less... that might give me some incentive to lose a few. (Not really. I've never been the type to diet to get in or out of an outfit or anything else.)

It has been a journey these past few months and I only hope that I don't buckle under all of it. People that know me personally know that I haven't ever lived away from "home" in my life and that I had a crippling fear of doing so for a plethora of reasons, (all of which still exist,) but I had to grow up sometime, or at least that's what I was told. The jury is still out on whether or not I believe that. Nevertheless, here I sit in this apartment, which I love, with a dog at my feet who loves me in ways I don't understand (because I'm not that awesome.)

I'm actually sitting here thinking about who I can call to come and hook up the surround sound speakers in my bedroom because, while I can do it, I don't want to. AT ALL. I'm just exhausted honestly. Unpacking has taken a lot out of me...decorating this place has taken a lot out of me. I had a lot of furnishings already, but it isn't until you get to decorating your living space for real that you think, "I need a large vase and a floral arrangement right...THERE." I've gotten LUCKY with everything that it popped into my head that I wanted like the canisters for my baking dry ingredients ($18.00) or the white owl salt and pepper shakers ($2.00,) then there was the tall phalaenopsis orchid vase at Home Goods on clearance for $29.00. What I wanted most were pet stairs for this dog and I saw some at Home Goods or Marshalls for $39.99 but I didn't want to pay that much, confident that I could make them... but a trip to Tuesday Morning took care 'o that! I found a step stool with an ugly picture of a country windmill on it, but I bought it because it was yellow (the decor is black, white, and yellow.) I simply spray painted the top of it black, and then mod-podged scrapbook paper over the top and voila! I now have customized pet steps that my dog is afraid to use for $19.99. Hmph! Everything has really come together for this apartment in only three days.

Another coup I pulled yesterday involved the desire to upgrade my printer to a dual tray printer with air print (because I wanted a printer that could handle heavy duty printing and connectivity.) Yesterday Staples had printers 50% off, and I knew that was the time to pounce and I added the printer to my cart, but there were no additional offers, so I checked if Office Depot had the same model so I could take advantage of their price match policy. Well, it turned out that by getting 50% off, the price became $199.99 and then Office Depot gave me a $50.00 give card with it, making the net OOP expense $149.99, and then I decided to sell my older, perfectly fine, printer to a friend for $100, making the total OOP cost to me $49.99 plus tax! NOT BAD for upgrading to the baddest mamma mamma printer ever. Between school and my small business ventures, I really began to feel the need for a heavy duty printer several months ago for printing of cardstock, fabric, heavy volume, just... a lot. Now, if I can just get Comcast to hurry up and send out my self-installation kit so I can have internet and TV, that would be great. Not to mention the fact that my phone line is necessary to work from home for Hilton Worldwide and it's jeopardizing my ability to make a fucking living at this point, thereby jeopardizing my stability in my home now...let me stop because I'm getting pissed off.

ALL IN ALL, I am very happy though.


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